Pwani Tribune

Voices from Taita Taveta County; Ngulamu Mwauki.

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‘Voices from…’ series. A running series featuring those that call Coastal counties home, in their own words. In this edition of Voices from Taita Taveta County, Ngulamu Mwauki, former vernacular radio presenter for Mwanedu FM, Anguo FM and Taita culture curator.

“There is a need to separate the political aspect of running a County Government from the development bit. At the moment if you are trying to constructively criticise, you are automatically thought to have been paid by a ‘rival camp’ to make the administration look bad. I had high hopes for devolution, it provided an opportunity to devolve the nurturing of our own unique cultures as different regions of the country. It would have provided a diverse tourist product offering attractive to the outside world. This has not adequately happened.

I decided to set aside a portion of my land to create a mini-Taita Taveta museum. With each room representing the highest hills in Taita and housing their specific history and that of our famous ancestors like Mwangeka and Mwakishaluwa. It will be modest but I want it as my legacy. I am also passionate about the natural environment and the traditional medicines it provides. I stay in Werugha, not far from Ngangao Forest, that was our ancestors’ clinic. If the roots, barks and leaves from trees healed them then, why shouldn’t they heal us now?” – Ngulamu Mwauki.

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